Fez-Meknes, an investment-friendly region
Besides the implementation of national sectoral and regional strategies for the creation of an investment-friendly environment, the Region of Fez-Meknes provides investors with a large number of investment opportunities in all sectors along with support throughout the investment process


Bank of industrial projects
The bank of industrial projects launched by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Green and Digital Economy is part of the new Industrial Recovery Plan (PRI) 2021-2023. This strategy is founded on the establishment of an import substitution policy, the strengthening of the Moroccan capital in industry and the development of the carbon-free industry to preserve and strengthen exports. Several industrial branches are supported through projects outlined in project sheets intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the main opportunities for accelerating the domestic market.
According to the progress report released by Mister the Minister on June 1st, the bank has accumulated a total of 523 industrial projects for a potential substitution of BMAD 35,5. A War-Room cell, consisting of committed people and several central directors, has been set up within the above-mentioned Ministry to support project holders in the different stages of their projects’ development.
The region of Fez-Meknes can capitalize on its assets to host 109 identified potential projects, as part of the bank of projects, for a potential turnover of nearly BMAD 24 and with a required investment of 8 billion dirhams. At the end of June 2021, 39 projects with an investment amount of MMAD 797, have been selected by the War-Room cell for the Region. These projects represent a forecasted turnover of BMAD 1,4 and a substitution potential of BMAD 1,1. Such projects are also expected to generate nearly 5 000 jobs.

Bank of sectoral projects for young project holders
The project sheets are part of the first stage of investment opportunities survey carried out by RIC in partnership with private and public actors in the region of Fez-Meknes. Workshops (sectoral and cross-cutting) were held with all stakeholders. While this document is designed to be a tool for the promotion of private investment in Fez-Meknes region, it should be noted that the data it contains, although collected directly from institutional partners, are illustrative. As a matter of fact, the project sheets prepared in the context of this document are meant to guide the investor and serve as a starting point for more comprehensive economic, technical and financial studies.
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