Outstanding potential for arts and crafts production with significant cultural content The Region ranks third nationwide in terms of handicraft exports A historical know-how that makes the Region a leading center of artistic outreach

Royal Development Vision

Major projects launched following the High Royal Directives: development of Lalla Yeddouna, rehabilitation of Fez and Meknes Medinas

Regional Development Vision

9 projects on creating traditional and handicraft activity zones (MMAD 341) in line with the 2020-2022 State-Region Contract-Program (Fez-Meknes RDP)

An ambition by 2042 (RSPS)

Fez-Meknes region: 1st High-value-added craft pole on a national and international scale

Overview of the sector

Fez-Meknes region is the leading production and marketing center for handicrafts, which is distinguished by the predominance of craftsmanship rooted mainly in the old medinas of its main cities (Fez, Meknes, Taza, Sefrou).

Three trades have an important share among these products: leather products, jewelry and shoes.

Characteristics of the sector :

A thousand-year-old know-how with an international reputation
Richness and variety of regional handicrafts (more than 200 crafts)
Artisanal activity zone Craft village Handicraft complex Exhibition area Under study phase
Meknes Taounate Taza Sefrou Fez El Hajeb Ifrane Boulemane Moulay Yaâcoub

Key Indicators (2019)

Contributing 12,8% of the national GDP of the sector, the craft industry is the second largest sector in the Region, with more than 40 000 crafts production units representing 123 000 jobs operating in nearly 205 trades.

The Region stands in the 3rd position in the export on a national scale, given its historical know-how that makes it a pole of artistic reputation. It is worth noting that there is a significant demand for regional handicrafts for export mainly through the cities of Casablanca, Tangier, Marrakech and abroad to the USA and Europe.

Source : Direction Régionale de l’Artisanat Fès-Meknès

Labelled craftsmen
Collective brands belonging to 420 craftsmen and women
Fairs (between 2016-2019)
Turnover generated by fairs (2015-2020)

Fez-Meknes region :
Handicraft pole of Morocco

3rd position in export nationwide, following Casablanca (47%) and Marrakech (28%)

A strong demand for craft products for export: USA (68%), Europe (7,8%)

A wide range of products for export: Pottery and stone (21%), traditional clothing (21%), carpets (13%)

Leather, furniture, decoration, jewelry, pottery and ceramics, clothing, accessories, Zellige and building, local products, carpets and stone, etc.

Creation of regional craft labels, with 39 labelled craftsmen

21 collective certification brands (39% of the national brands) held by 420 craftsmen.

The clothing, leather goods and traditional building sectors employ 66% of the Region's craftsmen and account for 65% of sales

BMAD 10,3 of sales or 13,5% of the national turnover of the sector: clothing (31% of regional turnover) followed by the traditional building sector (20% of regional turnover)

Attractiveness factors of the Region

Designated tourist circuits

6 circuits involving handicrafts have been created in Fez (21 km), including 5 intra-Medina circuits of 10,5 km


A leading production and marketing center for handicrafts (turnover of 6,9 billion dirhams and nearly 79 000 craftsmen)


Second-ranking city in the Region in terms of craftsmen and handicraft activities

Production diversity

A breeding ground for traditional trades, the Region has an enduring and a thousand-year-old brand (21 collective brands)

Incentive measures

Insurance coverage for trainees against work-related accidents and occupational diseases and support for the trainers’ training

Formation par apprentissage

Network of 58 vocational training institutions (CEA) with a capacity of 11 830 teaching positions, spread over more than 40 trades

Innovative platforms for products marketing

On-line marketing and sales of Moroccan handicrafts have been signed by the Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy, through the Craftsman Center and e-commerce platforms. Registration is carried out via the website :  www.maisonartisan.ma

A partnership agreement was concluded on May 11, 2021 between the RIC Fez-Meknes and Glovo Morocco to support 500 craftsmen, caterers and traders in the Region per year as part of the digitization process and online marketing of their products, as well as the development of attractive marketing and delivery packages

Craft’s enhancement and promotion

Multifaceted projects for the development of the Region’s crafts

  • Development of the extension of Benjellik craft district (MMAD 16)
  • Construction of a center for the promotion and marketing of brassware products in the Ain Nokbi district (MMAD 30)
  • International Handicrafts Fair dedicated to the promotion of handicrafts in the Region (MMAD 30)
  • Organization of 6 thematic fairs (MMAD 22) : steel, leather, pottery, wood, weaving, plant products
  • Bensouda Tree Nursery Incubator (MMAD 50) : Project aiming at enhancing the value of the Social and Solidarity Economy products through the implementation of training programs (35 cooperatives and 175 craftsmen will benefit from training programs and logistic support for the marketing of their products).

Labels and certifications

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