Service provision
The RIC of Fez-Meknes provides a comprehensive set of services based on nine missions to enhance companies’ competitiveness and territorial attractiveness.

Economic intelligence for investors
Providing investors with useful information for the development of their investment projects in the Region, namely information on the economic, tax and legal fabric, the business climate, the costs of production factors, investment opportunities, etc.

Consulting and support
- Establishment of specialized platforms to support the sustainability and development of SMEs
- Consulting and support for investors in the drafting and completion of their investment projects

- Monitoring the implementation and development of investment projects
- Assistance throughout the implementation and development of projects, including projects which were not examined by the Unified Regional Investment Commission

- Drafting and follow-up of investment agreements and contracts with the State

Investment procedures and acts
Simplification of formalities relating to investment procedures by means of a single point of contact, ensuring efficiency, transparency and respect of deadlines

Land and real estate solutions
Provision of a land map and communication on land and real estate solutions dedicated to economic activities

Territorial intelligence and monitoring
- Conduct and publish thematic studies aiming to strengthen territorial attractiveness
- Creation and publication of a database of investment opportunities in the region

Planning and implementing development strategies
- Co-construction of economic development and investment promotion policies at the regional level
- Contribution to the implementation of national policies at the regional level

Territorial marketing
- Prospecting and organizing B to B meetings to promote investments in the Region
- Organization and running of events to highlight the Region (fairs, exhibitions, webinars, etc.)

Economic intelligence for investors

Advice and support
- Establishment of specialized platforms to support the sustainability and development of SMEs
- Consulting and support for investors in the drafting and completion of their investment projects

Follow-up of post-investment projects
- Monitoring the implementation and development of investment projects
- Assistance throughout the implementation and development of projects, including projects which were not examined by the Unified Regional Investment Commission

- Providing investors with incentive offers from which they can benefit
- Drafting and follow-up of investment agreements and contracts with the State

Investment procedures and acts

Land and real estate solutions

Territorial intelligence and monitoring
- Conduct and publish thematic studies aiming to strengthen territorial attractiveness
- Creation and publication of a database of investment opportunities in the region

Planning and implementing development strategies
- Co-construction of economic development and investment promotion policies at the regional level
- Contribution to the implementation of national policies at the regional level

Territorial marketing
- Prospecting and organizing B to B meetings to promote investments in the Region
- Organization and running of events to highlight the Region (fairs, exhibitions, webinars, etc.)
Investor project lifecycle
vs. RIC service provision
The RIC Fez-Meknes, your ideal partner for the success of your investment projects
Investment Lifecycle steps

RIC facilitator
- E-creation
- Miscellaneous authorizations: (e.g.: construction, connection)
- Tax returns
- Other administrative authorizations
- Post-creation follow-up and facilitation of administrative procedures (e.g.: Customs, Exchange Office)
- Monitoring of the survival rate
- Monitoring and alert system on the company’s situation.
- Conciliation
- Easing administrative procedures
- Proposal of procedures appropriate to crisis situations

RIC supporter
- Access to public land
- Access to HR (ANAPEC)
- Access to training (e.g.: OFPPT)
- Access to funding
- Access to public grants and fund management
- Access to technical assistance
- Awareness-raising on SME support mechanisms
- Advice on finding capacity building support
- Updated provision of new information platforms
- Assistance in finding support and development funds
- Linking and networking (clusters, ecosystems, large companies, etc.)
- Conciliation in case of dispute with partner services
- Raising awareness of stakeholders to lead the company in a critical phase