New regional committee substituting all the former investment involved committees
The URIC is responsible for examining investment files and authorization requests at the regional level in a comprehensive, unified, integrated and harmonized manner. The committee is distinguished by its unique decision-making and administrative coordination body, unlike the previous investment commissions and committees that served prior to the entry into force of Law 47-18 (a single person responsible for ruling on investment files throughout the value chain). The decisions are made by majority vote.


Carry out a preliminary evaluation of the investment projects submitted to it on the economic, social, environmental and urban planning levels as well as in terms of job creation

To rule or provide its opinion or assent, as the case may be, on all necessary administrative measures for the implementation of all investment projects in Fez-Meknes region

Examine and provide its opinion on the investment projects submitted to qualify for the advantages granted in accordance with the applicable incentive system and/or the funds provided for this purpose.

• The Secretariat shall be provided by the RIC
Operating mode

Fields of focus
The URIC can rule on all administrative matters for the implementation of investment projects, in accordance with the applicable legislation and regulations
Incentive regime and advantages granted by the State
State private domain for land transfer or rental operations
Non-agricultural use of land intended for investment projects
Splitting of agricultural lands for the creation or the extension of companies
State and forestry public domain for temporary use, setting of royalties and real estate exchange
Environmental acceptability of investment projects
Urban planning permits and authorizations for the implementation or operation of investment projects
Classement des établissements touristiques et autorisations de leur exploitationClassification of tourist establishments and authorizations for their operation
Allocation of lots in industrial zones and economic activity zones
Authorizations to operate in export processing zones