Agriculture, a real economic lever for the Region with a 21,1% contribution to regional GDP A Royal vision through the strategy "Generation Green" for the emergence of a new agricultural middle-class generation An expanding agro-industrial ecosystem : 1st exporting region of olive oil, capers and wine products

A national development vision

New agricultural strategy “Generation Green 2020-2030” following the High Royal Directives, while consolidating the achievements of the Green Morocco Plan (GMP)

A regional development vision

Establishment of a competitiveness pole for innovation “AGRINOVA” and a regional pole of innovation and entrepreneurship “AGRITECH”

An ambition by 2042 (RSPS)

Fez-Meknes region: 1st multidisciplinary agricultural pole (export and local market) and 1st agro-business pole

Overview of the sector

Agriculture represents a key economic lever for the Region with a contribution of 21,1% to regional GDP. The region is the 2nd largest contributor to the national agricultural GDP. Such performance is achieved thanks to the diversity of the climate and the natural landscape, the soil fertility, as well as the availability of significant ground and surface water resources. These assets provide the region with an appropriate framework for investment and favor a diversity of agricultural production sectors.

The Region has become the 3rd production basin in the country, with a useful agricultural area of about 1,3 M ha, of which 15% is irrigated and an important dynamic agro-industry around agricultural sectors, such as milk, olives and cereals.

1st exporter of olive oil and pomace
1st producer of capers (70% nationwide)
1st producer of cherries
1st exporter of wine products
Contribution des filières végétales phares au niveau national Cereal industry 24 Olive sector 34 Figs’ sector 43 Almond sector 44 Onion sector 48 Plums’ sector 66 Cherries sector 80
Contribution of flagship plant sectors at the national level
Main families of agricultural and agrifood products exported (2018-2019)

Key indicators (2019)

the local economy. This sector makes it the second most important at the national level, with a contribution of 15,2% of the national GDP of the sector, generating an annual turnover of MMAD 506.

Sources : Regional Directorate of Agriculture Fez-Meknes / Regional Office of Industry, Trade, Green and Digital Economy / CNSS / DGI / Morocco Foodex

Agro-industrial fabric

An expanding agro-industrial ecosystem


The agro-industrial fabric has undergone a remarkable evolution in the Region. Indeed, since 2008, the number of agro-industrial units has gradually increased to reach in 2019:

  • 370 modern and semi-modern crushing units with a crushing capacity of 1 330 000 t/year
  • 115 cold storage units with a capacity of 168 000 t (vs 90 000 in 2008)
  • 62 fruit and vegetable processing units with a capacity of           170 000 t
  • 3 animal feed production units with a capacity of 408 000 t
  • 4 dairy units with a capacity of 60 000 t
  • 2 approved red meat slaughterhouses with a capacity of 4 400 t
  • 4 private slaughterhouses of white meats
“Green Generation 2020-2030”

Could the region of Fez-Meknes take the lead ?

The new agricultural strategy “Generation Green” (GG) shapes the Kingdom’s agricultural strategy between 2020 and 2030.

Launched in February 2020, the GG strategy is ending its first year of implementation with a special focus on human capital development, especially for rural youth. This new vision should enable the agricultural sector to effectively double its GDP and eventually reach 200 to 250 BMAD. Meanwhile, the value of exports should reach 50 to 60 BMAD per year.

The 1st foundation of the new strategy “Generation Green” regarding the focus on the human component aims at bringing out a new agricultural middle-class generation, young entrepreneurs and agricultural organizations, and implementing a new generation of supporting mechanisms.

The implementation of this strategy in Fez-Meknes region aims, by 2030, to bring 35 000 households to the middle class with stabilizing 49 000 households at this level, through:

  1. Expanding social security benefits for farmers and employees: the 2030 goal is to cover a total of 530 000 ha in the region, including 430 000 ha of cereals and legumes and 100 000 ha of fruit trees. This goal will be met through a more attractive incentive system for farmers.
  2. The improvement of entrepreneurship in rural areas for young people and the emergence of a new generation of young agricultural entrepreneurs: for service businesses, the program provides for the establishment of 1 700 businesses resulting in the creation of 17 000 jobs for young people. Regarding this project, the emphasis will be put on the establishment of a specific incentive system, a more appropriate support for these young people and a more appropriate vocational training for 15 000 young people of the region.
  3. A new generation of agricultural organizations: the program foresees the improvement of the farmers’ grouping by founding 600 cooperatives and the membership of 4 000 farmers in aggregation projects.

Agricultural Sector Assets

Competitiveness pole

Agropolis, the leading competitiveness cluster dedicated to agribusiness in France, covering 147 ha (234 lots): Agropole and Qualipole Feeding.

Sector's diversity

Viticulture, forestry, olive growing, cereal growing, market gardening, arboriculture, date palm cultivation, cattle and sheep breeding, dairy production, etc.

Training pole

Qualified and performing human capital supported by agricultural vocational training institutions

Flagship projects for the sector's development

Launching of structuring projects for preserving the irrigation in Saiss plain

Attractive regional incentive framework

Agricultural Development Fund, through the allocation of more than 24,613 ha to 191 projects at attractive rental prices

Quality training institutions

Specialized schools and training centers (e.g. Meknes NSA), and research fostering (AGRINOVA, INRA, NSA, universities)
Taounate Taza Fez Moulay Yaâcoub Meknzs El Hajeb Sefrou Ifrane Boulemane

Local products of Fez-Meknes region

Fez-Meknes region has received, like other regions of the Kingdom, the certification of four local products with “Protected Geographical Indication“, as follows:

  • Olive oil of Outat El Haj
  • Dry fig Nabout Taounate
  • Almonds of Aknoul
  • Olive oil of Sefrou

Products undergoing certification: “Chaâri Lamta Fig”, “Lamta Fez olive oil”, “Zandaz honey from the Bouyablane mountain”, “Zerhoun olive oil”, “Lamb from the Middle Atlas”.

Source : Fez-Meknes Regional Council

The invested in Fez-Meknes Region

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