12th session of the board of directors of the RIC Fez-Meknes

Friday, May 31, 2024 – Fez-Meknes Regional Investment Center (RIC) held its 12th Board of Directors at the headquarters of the Wilaya of the Fez-Meknes region, under the chairmanship of the Wali of the Region, Governor of the Prefecture of Fez, Mr. Essaïd Zniber, and in the presence of all the members of the Council.

In his speech, Mr. Wali, Chairman of the Board of Directors, recalled the importance of promoting investment, which constitutes one of the royal priorities highlighted by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God assist him , in his speech delivered on October 14, 2022, emphasizing the importance of the implementation of a National Pact aimed at mobilizing MAD 550 billion in investments and creating 500,000 jobs by 2026. He also invited the all players in the ecosystem to support the investment dynamic at regional and national level, in order to achieve the objectives of the new Investment Charter, particularly in terms of creating stable jobs, reducing disparities between provinces and prefectures in attracting investments and directing investment towards priority sectors of activity and professions of the future. Mr. Wali also praised the sustained dynamism of the RIC and the effectiveness and efficiency of the Unified Regional Investment Commission (CRUI), establishing itself as a unified and concerted framework for the examination and decision-making. decision concerning investment projects, by providing speed and transparency, making it possible to strengthen the serenity of the regional business climate.

This Council was an opportunity for the Director General of Fez-Meknes RIC to present the results of the Center’s achievements for the year 2023, marked by the launch of numerous strategic projects for the socio-economic development of the Region, the improvement of the main indicators of regional investment, as well as the launch of several business support programs, thus demonstrating the dynamics of investment and regional entrepreneurship, as well as the strengthening of the competitiveness of the territorial offer of the Fez-Meknes region. Thus, the Unified Regional Investment Commission (CRUI) of the Fez-Meknes region held 53 meetings for the year 2023, with an average processing time of 9 days, during which nearly 400 files were processed. examined, with 262 files decided, 75% of which approved, representing a total amount of more than 6.7 billion dirhams and the creation of 12,200 new stable jobs. The most represented sectors concern industry and tourism (2/3 of the number of approved projects, 60% of investments and 75% of jobs), confirming the dynamics of these two sectors driven by the launch of new reception platforms .

On the advice and support side, the RIC Fez-Meknes supported more than 1,815 project leaders during this period as part of the various support programs deployed by the Center, in an integrated approach aimed at meeting the needs of businesses, and this during all stages of the life cycle of their projects (ideation, pre-financing support, training, incubation, support for sustainability). It is in this context that the programs “Afwaj”, “Sayidtati Al Moukawila”, “Ofok Al Moukawil”, and “Digital Week” were launched, in partnership with numerous public and private actors, in order to respond to various issues and themes relating to entrepreneurship: female entrepreneurship, digital and e-commerce, access to financing, innovation, etc.

Ensured the operationalization of new regional incentive schemes, aimed at encouraging investments in the high value-added industrial and offshoring sectors. Thus, 10 MDH were granted to private investors through the three incentive schemes put in place, namely the employment bonus, the industrial sovereignty fund, and the installation bonus in Fez-Shore. Contributed to strategic planning, through the development of studies aimed at strengthening the attractiveness and economic development of the Region. These concern in particular the economic component of the Regional Development Program (PDR) 2022-2027, the bank of sectoral projects (75 turnkey project sheets intended for private investors), the positioning and economic development strategy for horizon 2035 as well as the study to improve the attractiveness of tourist investment in the Fez-Meknes destination, in partnership with SMIT.

Deployed a multi-channel communication and territorial promotion strategy, through the development and provision of promotional tools for the Region for the benefit of investors, in particular the new investment gallery, a reception and information for investors and project leaders presenting the Territorial offer of the Region (also available in virtual tour), the numerous guides (land, financing, entrepreneurship), the sectoral sheets containing the macro and microeconomic data of the flagship sectors of the Region, the biannual information magazines “RIC News”; and the organization and participation in more than 25 events aimed at promoting investment (SIAM, Meditour, Morocco-Senegal Economic Forum, Agri-expo, etc.) Established strategic partnerships aimed at strengthening expertise and developing new offers in favor of regional SMEs (partnership with the UM6P for the promotion of agricultural entrepreneurship, partnership with the Mediator of the Kingdom for the strengthening of conciliation, etc. .)

After exchanges and discussions, the members of the Board of Directors unanimously approved all the resolutions presented, and congratulated Fez-Meknes RIC for the assessment of its achievements, which testifies to the new dynamic instilled, and invited him to continue his efforts to contribute to the development and promotion of investment across the Region.