Law 47-18

High Royal Directives for the reform of RICs

“… the Regional Investment Centers, regardless of one or two of them, are a burden and a brake on the investment process: they do not play their role as an incentive mechanism: in principle, they are intended to solve problems facing investors at the regional level, to save them the time and effort of consulting the central administration.”

Extract from the speech of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI on the occasion of the Throne Day, July 29, 2017

« (…) accelerating the reform of the Regional Investment Centers by assigning them the necessary powers to properly fulfill their missions ».

Extract from the speech of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI on the occasion of the Throne Day, July 29, 2018

Law No. 47-18 relating to the reform of the Regional Investment Centers and the creation of the Unified Regional Investment Commissions (published in the Official Gazette on February 21, 2019) is the law that regulates the RICs.

The CRI Fez-Meknes is a public institution with legal entity and endowed with financial autonomy. It is governed by the State and aims at enforcing the provisions of the law, in particular those relating to the missions assigned to it and, in general, to ensure the enforcement of legislative and regulatory instruments governing public institutions.

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