Business creation guide

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VSME, a vector for socio-economic development

Definitely, business creation is a genuine vector of job creation and economic development. Accordingly, the RIC of Fez-Meknes gives high priority to supporting and assisting project holders during their entire life cycle, starting from the framing of the project idea and ending with the business creation process. According to the report of the RICs presented at the meeting chaired by the Head of Government, on the examination of the annual action plan of the RICs for the year 2020, the RICs have contributed to the creation of 20 466 new businesses in 2020, first post-reform year.

Key indicators of business creation (2020)

3 415

Business created by single point of contact

392 583

Investment amount (in MAD)

2 506

Delivered negative certificates

5,5 days

Average creation deadline

8 047

Forecasted jobs

Business creator guide

This methodological guide clarifies the essential steps to be followed by any business creator wishing to make his /her entrepreneurial dreams a reality. The guide provides the latter with the necessary answers to the questions he /she may have, particularly in terms of framing the project, drafting the business plan, completing the financing and the creation process.

The full support of the most qualified professionals in the field of business creation is required to make your project a tangible reality and to increase your opportunities for success. The team of Fez-Meknes RIC, through its single point of contact for business creation, as well as its institutional partners (OMPIC, Commercial Court, Regional Directorate of Taxes, Regional Directorate of the CNSS) are committed to supporting you in your business creation process.

Several institutions and associations are also at your disposal to provide information, guidance and support for your business creation.

Required documents

For the submission of your business creation file to the RIC, the creator or his applicant must fill in the file corresponding to the form of the enterprise and make an appointment via E-Service:

N.B.: No other submission option is allowed without a prior E-appointment.

Guide de création d'entreprise - pièces à fournir

Make an appointment with one of our advisors

Do you need help to invest in Fez-Meknes region ? Our business managers are at your disposal to assist you from A to Z in your endeavors.

To submit your creation file : Make an appointment by phone at 06 61 50 93 78

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