Audit Committee

Audit Committee

Notwithstanding the provisions governing State financial control applicable to public establishments, the Center is subject to State financial control, conducted by a government commissioner appointed by the Minister of Finance, who shall be responsible for monitoring the Center’s activities, overseeing the Center’s compliance with the applicable legislative provisions and for evaluating its performance.

The RIC is endowed with an internal control structure responsible for ensuring, through regular audits, compliance with the applicable standards and procedures for its activities. This structure shall submit a report to the Administrative Board following each of its meetings.

In accordance with law 47-18, the accounts of Fez-Meknes RIC shall be subject to an annual audit by a specialized audit firm registered at the Association of Chartered Accountants in accordance with the applicable legislative provisions. The audit report shall be submitted to the Administrative Board of the RIC.

The Administrative Board shall also appoint an Audit Committee, with the following characteristics :


- Government Commissioner
- Three members of the Administrative Board appointed by the Board


Term of office as a member of the Administrative Board


The meeting of the Committee shall only be valid if at least the majority of its members are present. The operating procedures are outlined in the Audit Committee Charter.


Assess the regularity of operations, the quality of the organization, the reliability and the effective implementation of the information system as well as the center's performance


The committee will meet on a regularly scheduled at least 3 times per year prior to each meeting of the Administrative Board, upon a call of its president or the president of the Administrative Board.