Administrative Board

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Administrative Board

In virtue of Law 47-18, relating the reform of the Regional Investment Centers (RIC) and the creation of the Unified Regional Investment Committees, published in the Official Gazette on February 21, 2019, Fez-Meknes RIC is a public establishment with legal personality and financial autonomy. The RIC is run by an Administrative Board chaired by the Wali of the Region of Fez-Meknes.



The Wali of the Region of Fez-Meknes.


  • President of the Council of the Region
  • Regional representatives of public administrations involved in the investment
  • President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of the Region of Fez-Meknes
  • President of the Chamber of Handicrafts of the Region of Fez-Meknes
  • President of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Region of Fez-Meknes
  • President of General Confederation of Moroccan Companies of Fez-Taza
  • Representative of MIEDA, ADA, Morocco SME, NAESP, OFPPT, the Urban Agency and the CGF.
  • Three independent individuals appointed by the Chairman of the Administrative Board


The Administrative Board of Fez-Meknes RIC should have all the necessary powers and attributions for the operation of the Regional Investment Center. It shall namely fulfil the following duties :

  • Approval of the action program, the annual management and activity report
  • Approval of the budget, the organization chart, the staff regulations, procurement and accounting regulations
  • Adoption and approval of the annual accounts of the Centre and the allocation of its income.


3 times / year (Before March 31, June 31 and October 31)


Deliberates upon the presence of at least half of its members and makes decisions by a majority of votes