Organization chart

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Strenghts of the organization chart

"Investor" orientation

An approach covering the investor’s journey throughout the process, from creation to completion of the project, through the establishment of a “Single Point Of Contact (SPOC).

"Sustainability" orientation

The RIC plays a key sustainability role for investment projects through a post-investment monitoring and advisory system, with a particular focus on SMEs/SMIs.

"Future” orientation

Strategic planning, monitoring, foresight, NTIC, evolving structure.

"Data" orientation

Capacity for integrating and consolidating relevant, reliable, exhaustive and up-to-date information for companies, investors and the region.

Structure agility

Establishment of a database of managers (vs. a traditional entity) which enables the implementation of collaboration, transversality and accountability principles, along with a project management mode.

«Value added» orientation

Focused on strategic and operational areas generating value for the companies, investors and the region.